Your bike can taken from you in less than 5 seconds 👇

The Worse Call We Can Get...
Before The Theft Replacement Program
Customer: "Hey, someone just stole my bike, I'm extremely upset right now. I left it alone for just a few minutes. I invested so much money on this and the police say it's not much they can do... WTF all of that money is gone! Is there anything you can do? I'm desperate!"
Us: "So sorry to hear that unfortunately there's not much control we have over this. The only thing we can recommend is purchasing another unit"
After The Theft Replacement Program
Customer: "Hey, some spineless thief just stole my bike, thank god I have the theft replacement program, can you send me another bike"
Us: "Absolutely, you'll have a replacement bike in a few days. It's on us my friend!"
Every single month for the past 5 years we've been getting phone calls from people just like you who's gotten their bikes stolen from a ruthless, spineless thief!
The worst part about these stories is that by the time you feel like you NEED theft protection, It's Too late, your expensive unit has already gotten stolen and you lost all of your money...
To avoid that from ever happening we have something special for you...
Our Theft Replacement Program. It's designed specifically for you who purchased a premium ebike or scooter.

- 6,573 Bikes are stolen every single day
- 50% Of bike cyclists in urban areas eventually get their bike stolen (1 out of 2)
- Majority of bike theft occur in the first year of ownership
You may be thinking “This will never happen to me”...
We will tell you straight up honest: "Dude, the same 6,573 that get their bike stolen every single day believe the same thing you believe. It absolutely can happen, and once it happens you're up shit's creek."
→ A ebike is still expensive…., and 2 thieves LOVE taking something that’s not theirs
90% of people that report bike theft to police never get their bike back anyway, which just turns into you losing your merchandise forever…
To prevent that from happening to you, we enroll you in the theft replacement program.
You only need something like this once it’s too late and I get theft calls every, single, week….
I hate telling people that it’s nothing we can do to get their bike back and they’ll just have to buy another one at this point…
Clear Cut Benefit
Once your bike is stolen, we send you a replacement,
So to clarify: Once your bike is stolen from a thief you’re covered for a free replacement…
Rather than losing money on this bike when tragedy happen, we’ll just send you a free replacement….
PS. If your bike. isn't stolen we refund you in credits towards future purchases and if your bike is ever stolen you'll still have 20% coverage for life of your bike
See Terms